Game States
Start of a Game
End of a Game
Winning the Game
Drawing a Game
Start of a Game. At
the start of the game, each player has the following resources in play.
Depending on the realm, there are either
5 neutral towns on the board, or 4-6
neutral towns.
End of a Game. The game
ends when either player captures
the opposing Sanctum. You do
this by moving a friendly recruit
group into the enemy Sanctum's square. If your group survives or avoids
all combats that turn, then at the start
of the next turn, you capture it!
Winning the Game.
If one player captures the other player's Sanctum first, the
capturing player wins the game! Either player may also concede at any time.
Drawing a Game. If
both players capture each other’s Sanctum in the same turn, the game
is a draw! The players may also agree to a draw at any time.
v2.20.00 Last updated 2009/03/22