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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge



Future Enhancements

New Features

When will we be able to spectate on other games in progress?

When will the Public Log Viewer be ready for public use?

Will there be a multi-player game option?

Customizing Sanctum

How can we customize the look and feel in the Lobby?

How do we write our own Trainer missions?

How do we develop our own AI opponents?

Porting Sanctum

Is Sanctum available for Macintosh?

Is Sanctum available for Linux?

Is Sanctum available in Java?

New Features

When will we be able to spectate on other games in progress? Later.

When will the Public Log Viewer be ready for public use? Later.

Will there be a multi-player game option? Later.

Customizing Sanctum

How can we customize the look and feel in the Lobby? In progress. Stay tuned.

How do we write our own Trainer missions? Later.

How do we develop our own AI opponents? Later.

Porting Sanctum

Is Sanctum available for Macintosh? No, and we're not currently working on it.

Some of our players report that newer Macintosh platforms can already run Sanctum in a Windows emulator. Since NIOGA does not have any Macs, we cannot offer any technical assistance on this.

Is Sanctum available for Linux? No, and we're not currently working on it.

Is Sanctum available in Java? No, and we're not currently working on it.




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