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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge




House of Abomination
A Whispers Card

Rarity: Very Rare, Casting: 4, 2

"Name, form, image, memory: these are the structures of attachment. Burn each away, and from non-Being, Being arises as new each instant. In this, each Power we see becomes our own." -- Sar'ul Academy lesson

H:2(x2) A:0 HP:15 L:2 Nomadic. Two attacks. At start of combat against monsters, Doppelganger kills the first opposing monster, copies its hand and missile damage, attacks, armor, hit points, level, and house, and is fully healed. (This does not give Doppelganger missile attacks.)





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