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Sanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, SubterfugeSanctum | Strategy, Sorcery, Subterfuge



Master Vampire

Master Vampire
House of Death
An Oppositions Card

Rarity: Rare, Casting: 5, 2

"The'SSol'chur is the thirteenth category of existence: Having been mortal, died, and continuing to act and move in a body, in the mortal world, for reasons other than duty." -- The Keeper Code

H:3(x2) A:1 HP:12 L:2 Territorial. Two attacks. Gets +1 hand damage against Life minions. At end of combat, if Master Vampire survives and an opposing recruit died, one Vampire (H:3 A:0 HP:5 L:1 Territorial) is created in group.





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